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§ (1) Definition Griffons:

Griffon's main task shall it be to research for the project:"Stratosphere".
Griffons Status: We are a pack.
Griffon's Vocation: Scientists

§ (2) Violent acts

We stand close together and with the fact one of the Griffons is under attack all available pack-members should be ready to help him.
No one of us starts any conflicts by his own.
Helping Griffon-foreign players is basically a nice move, but there´s to check wich consequences could follow.
Acts like Skull-hunting are basically forbidden till we are touched.

§ (3) Griffon Behaviour

Consistantly ignoring of the guild chat and guild forum will force the exclusion.
A nice behaviour above our inhabitants of Lunara is naturally given. A nice behaviour inner pack is given too. Every violent acts inner pack will be punished through the jugdement by the leader´s meeting.

§ (4) Emergency

If a Griffons logs in and gets the order of the leading team, directly to go to a protection zone, the Griffon got to follow this order without any question about it.
In this case there´s a given danger.

§ (5) Pack Treasure

The agreed amount of gold shall be send to the Prafectus Aerarii in relation to the datas he gave for it to go.



§ (1) Definition of the Griffon's leadership

Following ranks take part in the Griffon's leadership:
Gryphos Dux
Gryphos Senatoris
Gryphos Dux Militum

§ (2) Tasks of the leadership

§ (2.1) Law and Order

The leadership got to view the daily happenings and in cases to give orders to members if the things are working wrong.


§ (2.2) General Guild Maintenance

§ (2.2.1) Guild treasuring

A guild treasurer called Prafectus Aerarii got to be part of the leadership. He will be chosen onto a Griffon's guild meeting.

§ (2.2.2) Diplomacy - Vocis and Nuntia of the Griffons

An official diplomat is needed in every fine guild. So Griffon's will choose their own onto a guild meeting.
The Vocis is the voice of the Griffons speaking to the publicity.
The Nuntia isthe leader being sent in diplomatic conferences, wich needs a personally presence.
The title Conciliator/Conciliatrix allows to lead diplomatic conferences in the name of the Griffons.

§ (2.2.3) Organiziation of Events

Therefor the leader called Eventaris may give tasks to do, also may organize all kinds of events by himself.

§ (2.3) Leadership's Special Rights

§ (2.3.1) Votings

Every part of the leadership got a special right on the votes wich got to be done. He / She may use his Veto-Right to stop a voting. If a Veto is used, the topic will be discussed basically again.

§ (2.3.2) The Guild Treasurement

Every part of the leadership may view the correctness of the Guild-Treasure to every time it's available.

§ (2.3.3) Recruitments

View the § Animi

§ (2.3.4) Honouring of members.

If in fact we got to honour members for special activities making Griffons more famous or bringing more mood into the guild, every leader may honour this member onto a Griffon's guild meeting.

§ (2.3.5) Responsibility in Conflicts

If a Griffon get into trouble, the Vocis is in right to contact the involved parts. Isn´t the Vocis available, the Dux or Nuntia will overtake this task, and so on. The involved Griffon will stay silent for more infos and got to be available for open questions.

§ (2.3.6) Griffon's Umbra

The leader called Griffon's Umbra is the one, who supports every other leader for a chosen period of time. After solving this rotation, he´ll be able to stand for every position, if it is needed (Examples: Animi goes on holiday).

§ (3) Guild Meetings

§ (3.1) Moderation

The moderating of the guild meetings will rotate. Every part of the leadership will moderate. In fact every part of the leadership got to moderate the 8th meeting.

§ (3.2) Meeting Missings

The leadership will safe the logfiles and post them to the guild board. This task will rotate like §(3.1).


§ (4) Leader's Meetings


Every Leader may set a date for a Leader's meeting. This special kind of meeting just allows leaders to take part in and shall be used to discuss cases needing the special attention of the leaders.

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§ (1) Definition Excubitor

The Excubitor is a full member of the Griffons. His target shall it be to underpress conflicts wherever it is possible. He also got to show the same nice attitude to all Lunarians like all the other Griffons.

§ (2) Activity

In the case a Excubitor is more then 4 weeks inactive in one piece and didn´t tell the reasons for, his rank will be changed to a Animae.

§ (3) Possible exclusion

With the happenings of a changing attitude, incoming agressivity there could be reasons given to exclude a full member of the Griffons. The Excubitor in this case will be invited to a meeting with the leading team. Onto this meeting the decision will be done, if there´s a voting needed by the whole guild about his future in the Griffons, or if his case is solvable easily.

§ (4) Excubitor´s general task

Like all Griffons he shall accept the Stratosphere for himself. Further he shall set the Griffons into a good light, whenever he shows himself in the publicity.

§ (5) Special tasks on Excubitor

If it is necessary, every leader is allowed to call a Excubitor for the help in tasks. The Excubitor may be chosen free by the one, who calls for help.

The Examen:

With the end of the period being a Tiro the final examen comes up to become an Excubitor (Full Member) of the Griffons.
Here we show the procedure:


§ (1) Examen

The examen is splitted in 2 parts.


§ (1.1) Basic Knowledge


After being a Tiro for one week there will come a test by 3 Leaders.
Every leader may tell the candidate 3 questions. The Tiro may fail in one of each leader.
By Failing in this test the Tiro gets a second chance 1 week later. Failing again forces the exclusion of Griffons.


§ (1.1) The Tiro`s Quest


After solving the first test, the Tiro will receive a quest by the Leadership.
This quest may show him worthy to stay in the pack.


Welcome to the Gryphos Tyros

Below are the initial rules of the guild, these are subject to change, indeed they are likely to change within the coming weeks as the guild grows and a natural evolution will occur.

Do not message the Griffons Leadership

Whilst we are a sub-guild of the Griffons, we are also independant. Being a member of this guild does not instantly give you right and cause to pester full fledged Griffons. By all means get to know our master guild and it's members, indeed that is both encouraged and required, but problems are yours to sort out, or in some cases mine, the main guild has no part in this.

Player issues

If you have problems with another player, do not expect support from the main guild. Until you are a full-fledged member you will receive no protection from The Griffons or it's members. This isn't to say we wont assist you if it's both necessary and you are clearly in the right (Evidence is necessary)

Bear in mind diplomacy plays a major part in the Griffons lifestyle, so if you show no ability to talk things through then it's clear you don't belong in the guild. It's easy to impress us by showing people skills and an
easygoing attitude.

Promotion in the guild

This part of the rules is most likely to change.
Right now, the Gryphos Dux Militum has decided to have 3 ranks of applicants, the first is your initial position in the guild, the second and third ranks will begin your sorting. You will be promoted to a second/third rank if we believe we have learnt enough about you to make a decision as to how you are as a player.

There will be no difference between the second and third ranks beyond the name. You will not be made aware of the requirements for either rank, but perhaps you can figure it out by who is promote into which.

Promotion to Observer is impossible.

Promotion to vice leader is at the discretion of the Leadership. We are hoping to promote four vices from the applicants to this position, these will be the first four who stand out to me as having the qualities necessary. Until then the position holds no authority.

Respect your fellow members

This should go without saying, but I believe it may be necessary. Insults and threats to other members of the guild will be taken very seriously. If you have a problem with another member, you speak to the Gryphos Dux Militum or the Observers.

Behave in an honourable way

Despite being seperate from The Griffons, whatever you do will reflect upon both guilds, as such we expect you to act honourably and respectfully towards all other Tibians. Flaming on the forums, threatening players (especially inthe Griffons name) and being impolite ingame will result in disciplinary action, generally instant removal from the guild.


We expect all members to be active, progression must be evident, preferably in level since it shows dedication to the character. Skills and magic level have no bearing on your existance in the guild, but we do want to see you advancing. Remember, the more dedication we see, the higher chance you have of joining the main guild.

Assist in the roleplay

The Griffons are scientists, writing articles about Gryphon myth and legend, the stratosphere and other projects will be looked upon favourably.


Short periods of inactivity can be overlooked, although a post stating that you will be inactive is preferred. Long periods of inactivity may result in a kick, but will not affect your chances if you decide to reapply.



§ (1) Definition of Animae

Status: Inactive


§ (2) Handling of Animae

Stay them where they are untill hardly reasons to discuss are given.

§ (3) Rent Status

No payment.

§ (4) Comeback

If a Animae becomes active again, he will get his old rank back..

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